Week 4

"The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit"

During this week of the study, we will look at the God we worship and the way he expresses himself in the Father, the Son, and the Spirit.

Day 22

1. Turn to Mark 14:32-36. Notice the word Jesus uses for God. It is the Aramaic word "Abba." It was an intimate word and no Jew ever used it before Jesus to describe God. It was the word little boys and girls used for their daddies. Look at Romans 8:15-17 and  Galatians 4:6. Do you see the kind of God we have and how we can approach him? 2. Look at Matthew 7:7-12. What does this specifically say about God’s con­cern for you today? What things are you concerned about? What does God feel for you?

Day 23

1. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Our whole faith is built on the fact that he came into this world, from his own special place and put down his life with us. What does that tell .you about such a one? 2. Read John 1:1-18. According to this passage, what is it that we find in Jesus Christ? What does it all mean to your personal life that he is this way? 3. Look closely at what he went through for you. Take an Old Testament and read Isaiah 53 and see the statement made about him even before he appeared on earth.

Day 24

1. When you were baptized into Jesus Christ, you received the gift of the Holy Spirit. Today and tomorrow we want to look at some of the ministries of the Holy Spirit in your life. 2. Turn to John 16:16-27 and read carefully, looking for teaching about the work of the Spirit. 3. Notice he (1) is the Spirit of Truth, (2) will be with you forever, and (3) will live in you and be in you. What is this going to mean to your life? 4. Read John 16:5-11. The work of the Spirit involves convicting us of sin, righteousness, and judgment. How would you relate this passage to the ideas found in Ephesians 6:17, II Timothy 3:16-17, and Hebrews 4:12-13?

Day 25

1. Continuing to look at the work of the Holy Spirit, turn to Romans 8 and read verses 1-17. 2. Focus in on verses 9-11. What kind of promise is made to you here? Write down some ways you can see this practically effecting your life. 3. In our lives we have been enslaved to various passions and desires. On our own we found we had no real power to break free from those. Notice the message of verses 12 and 13. How do we put to death the misdeeds of the body? 4. Notice in verses 14-17 how the Spirit of God in us brings us into intimate relationship with God.

Day 26

1. It is important to learn all you can about Jesus Christ because of what the following scriptures teach: II Corinthians 3:18 and Romans 8:29. What do these passages teach about our relationship to Jesus Christ? 2. Look also at I John 3:2-3. What is the "hope" referred to in verse 3? 3. List at least three things that are found in Jesus Christ that you want to work on in your own life. 4. How would you respond to someone who might say, "Trying to be like Jesus Christ is an impossible dream. It can only frustrate you?" REMEMBER: GET HELP FROM AN OLDER DISCIPLE AS YOU MOVE DEEPER INTO THIS STUDY. LET HIM OR HER CHECK OUT WHAT YOU ARE FINDING.

Day 27

1. Look at the picture of Jesus Christ found in Hebrews 4:14-16. 2. Write down what each of these statements means to your life:       a. Jesus is the great high priest who has gone into heaven.        b. Jesus is able to understand and relate to our weaknesses since he was tempted in every way like us (yet without sin).        c. Because of Jesus, we can approach God’s throne (a throne of grace) with confidence. 3. How does this understanding of Jesus Christ affect you right now at school, on the job, in the home? Write down the way it changes your attitude.

Day 28

1. There may be some things that will happen to you to make you wonder if God is for you or against you. Read Romans 8:31-39 to see the kind of God you worship. 2. Go back to verse 28 for still another promise. 3. Paul lists in the first passage a number of things that might seem to cut us off from the love of God. What are some things in your life that are difficult or threatening? Write out verse 37 just as Paul says it and then write verse 38 substituting the things in your life that might interfere with your relation­ ship to God. 4. What role do you play in keeping this victory?  

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